Francesca Boscolo Bibi

Francesca Boscolo Bibi
Francesca Boscolo Bibi
Senior Consultant


Within PNO Chemistry I am responsible for the management of several key clients with a 360 degrees approach, supporting them with funding applications but also in setting up new internal processes to guarantee compliance with the funding regulations or in managing already funded projects. Although my focus is mainly on European funding, I am happy to get involved in national funding. I provide first line support on administrative and legal questions too. I have also been involved in European funded projects for the development of stakeholders analysis, exploitation and dissemination plans. 

Last but not least, as a senior I am involved in the development and mentoring of less experienced colleagues, with an eye on work happiness and work-life balance.  

I have a background in international relations, diplomatic sciences and European studies, something far away from the chemical world. Nevertheless I have been working in the grants and incentives world for over 15 years, in consultancy but also in a funding agency and in a big research center, and this allowed me to develop a sound knowledge of how grants works. The combination of this knowledge with the technical knowledge of my colleagues is the perfect solutions for our clients. 

I am extremely curios, always willing to learn new things. I am also a wanderlust person, I have lived in four countries and I love exploring new places and new cultures together with my family. My happy place? The mountains, in winter for skiing and in summer for trekking.