Would you like to reduce your company's tax payments and invest in sustainable energy, energy-efficient technologies, or CO2 reduction? The energy investment allowance (EIA) can help you achieve both goals, with an average benefit of 10%. By investing in these areas, you can also reduce your energy bills. Our consultants at PNO Chemistry can assist you with your EIA application.


The EIA covers investments in the built environment, processes, transportation, renewable energy, energy balancing, energy transition, energy advice, customized advice, and CO2 emission reduction plans.



The EIA (in Dutch: Energie-investeringsaftrek) aims to encourage investments in energy-saving business assets and sustainable energy.



Entrepreneurs located in the Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, and the BES islands are eligible for EIA. The investment must be listed in the Energy List of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. Additionally, in 2024, the EIA permits a deduction of 40% of investment costs from taxable profits, in addition to usual depreciation.


How we can help you

PNO Chemistry’s consultants are available to inform you about the EIA scheme, offer advice, and provide support for your application. Please do not hesitate to contact us.


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